Last week I was so down about the dodgy reading from my app, I really couldn’t be bothered to go back out so I thought id take a few days off and give it my all on my return!

Ive changed the running app I used and started a new one today, the same as my friend uses as my old one has became very glitchy since its last update!

we both started our apps at the same time and set off at the same time so the readings would be accurate if not a second or two apart, and off we went!

From the very beginning of our run I could tell our pace was a lot quicker than it had been previously, but at the same time it was a comfortable pace, quite enjoyable!
Spurred on by discussing how our boyfriends had gone the extra mile in annoying us this week it took our mind off the run so I was quite surprised when the app spoke up and said 1.5 mile ….


….13 minutes 26 seconds!!!

wooooooo !!!!

wth an average pace of 8 minutes and 59 seconds!

fair to say i was totally over the moon!!

Both apps gave the same reading so we knew for sure the times were accurate!
Just need to keep this up, aiming for a 12 minute overall time so Ive got an extra 2 minutes spare for on the day …. just in case! 😉 11900658_10205516999777645_2144932601_o